Welcome to Arachnoid Cyst UK
Supporting people with or affected by Arachnoid Cysts in the UK.
Supporting people with or affected by Arachnoid Cysts in the UK.
Clinical trial in headaches (Arizona USA)
We are an online UK information website pulling together knowledge and research on arachnoid cysts.
We link to professional research pages as well as forums to provide as much information as possible about this condition.
If you have any information or knowledge you would like us to add, please let us know. You can also share your experience for our experience base, which will amplify our voice.
Read more in our About Us page.
Like any rare condition, how people with or affected by AC's feel, experience symptoms and are treated, is different. What remains common for everyone is how they seek information on having or living with one.
In time we would like to provide more local support and be able to signpost you to local support groups. Because Arachnoid Cysts are so rare, this is something we will develop over the next few years.
We also would like to aim to gather your experience, as having a louder voice feeding into current research will develop understanding of this condition, and help us apply for funding into research for AC's.
If you would like to join this site and share more information, please contact us.
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